buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title TradeScroll - Professional Trading & Investment Services style.css header class hero nav div TradeScroll class logo div class nav-links a Services href #services a Markets href #markets a About href #about a Contact class cta-button href #contact div class hero-content h1 Professional Trading Solutions p Your trusted partner in navigating global financial markets a Get Started class primary-button href #contact main section id services class services h2 Our Services div class service-grid div class service-card div 📈 class service-icon h3 Stock Trading p Expert guidance in equity markets and portfolio management div class service-card div 💱 class service-icon h3 Forex Trading p Access global currency markets with real-time insights div class service-card div 📊 class service-icon h3 Market Analysis p Comprehensive research and technical analysis div class service-card div 🏦 class service-icon h3 Wealth Management p Personalized investment strategies for long-term growth section id markets class markets h2 Markets We Serve div class market-ticker div class ticker-item span SPX span +1.2% div class ticker-item span NASDAQ span +0.8% div class ticker-item span EUR/USD span +0.3% section id about class about h2 Why Choose Us div class about-content p With decades of experience in financial markets, we provide cutting-edge trading solutions backed by advanced technology and expert analysis section id contact class contact-form h2 Get Started Today form input type text placeholder Your Name input type email placeholder Email Address select option Select Service option Stock Trading option Forex Trading option Market Analysis option Wealth Management button Submit type submit footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Terms href #terms a Privacy href #privacy a Support href #support p TradeScroll - Professional Trading Services script.js